In this section, we show the full list of all the tipsters who works in Inbetsment. Traditionals, autobetting and semmi-autobetting tipsters. Here, you can check the past results or descriptions of all of them.
You can order them by different parameters: by score, by yield, by profit or by number of tips in order to be able to analize what you want.
You can go to the partial lists in order to check the different types of tipsters we offer:
Autobetting Tipsters: 100% of the bets can be placed by the automatic tool. In this way, you will only have to buy the subscription, configure your stakes and certain parameters of your strategy.
Semi-autobetting Tipsters: 60-70% of the bets can be placed by the automatic betting tool. The rest of picks will have to be placed manually.
Traditional tipsters: They are the most profitable. However, you will have to manually place all the bets as has traditionally been done.